Welcome to Jimbren Boxers

The Jimbren affix was first registered with the Kennel Club back in 1975 when it was jointly owned by my late husband Jim and myself. In the early days we showed and worked obedience with our dogs. Jim was more interested in the obedience and he was one of the few Boxer enthusiasts to work a Boxer through to Open A obedience. He also went on to be a well respected judge in that field.

In 1989 Jim sadly passed away, leaving me with a 5 year old son, four foster children, one of which was a 5 day old pre adoption baby, countless cows, pigs and goats. Showing understandably came to a standstill, but thanks to a few wonderful friends I did manage to get away to a few shows and breed an odd litter to keep my eye in.

Then in 1994 Steve Hare brought his bitch Jimbren Colour Conscious to be mated to my Champion CH Jimbren Royal Scot. I was asked if I could help with whelping for him as his wife was terminally ill and in return I was to have a pup from the litter.Photo is me winning my first ever prize in 1973 with our wonderful Shanti Segglecrest Anchors Away. Thanks to her wonderful temperament and character we became totally hooked on Boxers.

The pup I wanted was Jimbren Colour Connected but Steve’s daughter Carolyn had also fallen in love with him, so it was agreed George as he was named would live with Steve and his family and he would bring him to shows for me to show. George was the start of the NEW Jimbren era. George ended his show career in 1999 with 2CCs and 4RCCs, and I ended up with a new partner in more ways than one. In February 2010 we were married!

I had been living in the small Wiltshire village of Seend on a 7 acre small holding situated between the Kennet and Avon Canal and the disused Great Western Railway. The livestock have all gone and only cats and dogs remain.

Steve’s house from Bristol was sold and we bought a typical Irish Cottage on 3 acres in the beautiful Slieve Bloom Mountains of Southern Ireland which we have now finished rebuilding. We are living here most of the time now but we still show in the UK occasionally.

We have owned or bred a number of Champions in various countries along with several CC winners who didn’t quite get their tittles (but our Champs in our eyes).

We have to date bred 3 UK Champions, 1 UK/IR Champion, 7 Irish Champions, 5 Australian Champions and 1 Canadian Champion. We have also owned 1 UK/IR Champion, 1 UK Champion and 1 American Champion and have handled 1 to her UK/IR Title. We have also had several CC winners who didn’t quite make it. See our Champions page for more details.

Brenda winning her first ever prize in 1973 with our wonderful Shanti Segglecrest Anchors Away Thanks to her wonderful temperament and character we became totally hooked on Boxers

This picture from 1976 shows two of the first litter recorded under the Jimbren affix. They are by Am Imp Kreyons Back in Town of Winuwuk. They are Jimbren Sable Tang on the right and Jimbren Sweet Mimosa on the left, who became the dam of our first Champion, Ch.Yankee Ballard of Jimbren. In the middle is my daughter Sharon with the dam Seggelcrest Little Egret, our lovely Ding, who worked her way through to Open A Obedience with Jim handling

Contact Jimbren Boxers

Delarose, Dogdyke Road
New York, Lincs, LN4 4UL

Steve: 07359 752727
Brenda: 07733 873929

Steve: steve.jimbren@gmail.com
Brenda: brenda.jimbren@me.com
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